Sunday 11 May 2008


I've been enjoying the "Foody Blog Roll" widget down left on my blog. It pops up ten random food blogs every day, and I follow links now and then at whim. A couple of days ago I discovered foodycat, and more specifically her Chakchouka recipe. I managed to put this together today, despite something of a hangover, and I can report that it is quite easy and also delicious. And a fun word to say. Chakchouka!

I didn't bother with Foodycat's zucchini chips, and I used a mix of odds and ends of various cheeses, and I had some of my usual roast tomatoes to use instead of the tin. But basically it's the same thing - a spicy Tunisian stew of tomato and capsicum, with eggs and cheese. With a nice thick slice of olive sourdough, it made a good light dinner. While I was staggering around near the stove, I also assembled a spag bol sauce for tomorrow. Go me.

1 comment:

Alicia Foodycat said...

Isn't it great? So adaptable! A bit of bacon is good instead of cheese, if you eat bacon.