Friday 16 May 2008


This is an excellent Greek vegetable dish, that is dead easy to make. I got it from a cookbook of Belinda's when I was last down the coast, and typically I've adapted it a bit. Here's the original recipe. We're having the adapted version tonight, with some Italian pork and fennel sausages, before we go off to see what The Hive are up to at Gorman House.

Recipe: Briami

1/4 cup olive oil
2 onions, sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 large red capsicum, cut in large squares
400g zucchini, thickly sliced
400g potatoes, unpeeled, in 1cm thick slices or rough chunks
1 kg tomatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tblsp chopped fresh parsley
2 tblsp chopped fresh dill
salt and pepper

Fry the onions gently for 10 minutes in 2 tblsp of the olive oil. Add the garlic towards the end of the frying time.
Toss everything else, except the oil, together with the onion & garlic.
Tip into a large baking dish and drizzle the remaining oil over the top.
Cover and bake for an hour and a half at 180C, or until all vegetables are tender.

Notes: Well, this is such a simple concept. I didn't have the exact items today, though I was close. I only had two zucchini (200g) and a small red capsicum. I added some cauliflower florets, a small green capsicum, and a tin (drained and rinsed) of large white beans. I used dried dill instead of fresh, skipped the parsley, and used less oil. I was about 300g short of the full kg tomatoes, too. I took the cover off for the last half hour and popped the sausages on top, so it was truly a one-dish meal.


Unknown said...

Hiya Cath,

Rob pointed me at your blog over lunch today :) I also love cooking, I'll try and organise a dinner here one night :) I've bookmarked your blogg, congrats on the review stint:)



BJ said...

Heh... the old 'car accident in a dish' look. But, true to peasant food style, absolutely delish.

I make a very similar dish at least once a week, an excuse to try different gourmet sausos and eat up the bottom of the crisper veggies.

Glad you liked the recipe.
