Saturday, 20 February 2010

Reasons for not blogging

* Too tired, because I'm not getting enough sleep, because Plummet wants to show off his mice at 2am and 4am.
* Getting used to 5 day weeks again.
* Out of town for the Blues Festival.
* Out of town for a friend's birthday.
* Moving all my stuff from one computer to another, so I could give my old one to B1, who is stuck in Sydney for the long term.
* Manually rebuilding all my photo libraries, contacts, bookmarks etc since Migration Assistant didn't do it right.
* Trying to get ahead with my Canberra Times stuff, so the editor can have a break.
* A new Mystery Case Files game.

I haven't actually given up. I have a few plans and partial posts waiting in the wings. Now that I've got my phone resynched and my camera connection reset, I can upload the photos to go with them. But now I have to go shopping. It's time to get the weekend food prep underway, and I need to buy some cream to fatten the cat.

1 comment:

BJ said...

B1 is tremendously grateful for the interwebs via TCC. All I need now is a bit of inspiration about cooking, so hurry up! I think I'll be kitchen-enabled in a few weeks, so you need to get onto it grrrl. AND you need to tell me where the organic foods is and where the good value foods are and of course at least one each Italian and German delis.

I do not wish to waste away.